Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sandhill Cranes 2010

Sandhill Cranes 2010
These large cranes are found during the winter months in the Sulphur Springs Valley area of Southeastern Arizona. They begin to arrive on their migration as early as September and may stay as late as March. Most of the cranes are in the area from November through February. 2010 was a record year! We have been making annual treks to the area the last few years and always have a good time exploring. The cranes are incredible to watch, though I hear some of the locals are less than pleased with the noise they make and all of us visitors cluttering up the area. You just never know what kind of reaction you might get.

Winter Wanderings

Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area protects one of the most significant riparian (streamside) zones in the Southwest. It offers tremendous scientific, cultural, scenic, and recreational values and is one of only two riparian NCAs in the United States.
There are also photos from Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Picacho Peak area, Patagonia Lake, and more. I figure I should keep throwing out some images of cacti and landscapes, since I shoot so many photos of them. And I just love Southern AZ winters, especially when I look at the news and on the internet with all the snow in other places.